Point System

The Point System

Skincarisma’s point system recognizes those that make this community a better experience for everyone. You can do this by leaving reviews, adding new products, suggesting corrections, answering questions, upvoting great reviews and answers. We want to make this the best place to learn about Skincare and it all starts with the community!

So how do I earn points?
It's simple! Anyone who has signed up and has engaged in any activity with Skincarisma will receive points. Here's a list of how you can help contribute to the Skincarisma community and earn points.

Upload Profile Picture50
Writing a Review25
Writing the First Review for a Product40
Receive Upvote on Review/Answer1
Add a Product to Skincarisma and is Added10
Report an Error to Skincarisma and is Fixed5
[BONUS!] Suggest Feedback (One-time)50
Do points have monetary value?
Skincarisma points do not have any monetary value, however accumulating points will help you level up. The higher up levels have their own perks and rewards. We're still working on the exact details regarding the perks and rewards but we promise you they will be great and we’ll let everyone know once they are finalised.

What are the Skincarisma levels?

The amount of skincarisma points you have earned will determine your level.

How do I check my level?
Simply go to your profile page here to view your current points and level.

The Badge System

We're glad you asked! We're currently working on a badge system to help recognise users for their special contributions and also who are more knowledgeable in one area - stay tuned ;)