Pore Balance Low-pH Sulphate Free Cleanser

Alex Steinherr x Primark

Pore Balance Low-pH Sulphate Free Cleanser

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Pore Balance Low-pH Sulphate Free Cleanser

from 1 Ratings

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combination PIHAcneEczema+ 3
My first low pH cleanser and best so far

I love that this cleanser doesn't leave your skin tight or dry after washing with it. It's really gentle and despite the mention of salicylic acid, it's only a mild amount inside so it's suitable for my skin which is sensitive due to eczema. The texture is like that of a viscous gel which is slightly yellow-brown but otherwise transparent. I love the pump-style packaging so you can always pump out the right amount from it and the tall thin receptacle makes it fit in my skincare box tray. Last time I saw it, it was only £4 for a bottle which lasted me about a year or so. Therefore, it's a really economical UK-brand low pH cleanser.