First-do Micro-Pyramid Spot Patch


First-do Micro-Pyramid Spot Patch

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First-do Micro-Pyramid Spot Patch

from 3 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 5

mirrorbride has left a 4 star rating.
normal AcneUnevenWhiteheads
Spot Patch Set Part 1

This acne patch was part of a Artpe set from that also included the First-Do Clear Spot Patch. Mishe Beauty Report Club provided a sample set for review, so I tested them out a little more than I normally would. The first step was figuring out when is it best to use each patch type. I was also curious how they compared to other patches.

When the set arrived I was worried I didn't have anything to test them on, but then three pimples appeared in a few days. (I imagined them singing "You're Welcome!" like Maui in Moana...) Based on the packaging and some trial & error, it seems the Micro-Pyramid Spot Patch is best at the beginning stage of a pimple's life, and the Clear Spot Patch is for managing the aftermath as far as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. I used a Smartmed Cover-dot for comparison. The Cover-dot seems better to use mid-life or if a spot is very red.

As a side note, the packaging for the First-Do Patch Set is a bit much. There is a square plastic holder for the Micro-pyramid patches, which is inside a sealed pouch, which is then inside a box.

The Micro-Pyramid:
This patch feels like hard plastic tape initially but softens after it's applied. That sensation was kind of neat and enjoyable; it feels like there is some kind of treatment going on. There are a couple different sizes in the package. The sizes are large enough to make sure that there is full ingredient coverage. I'm not sure if one should realistically expect much discretion from spot patches, but these are pretty blatant- thick and mostly opaque. It seemed to shorten the life of a pimple when applied early enough. It did not help much once the pimple was already there, full blown.

Purchase? Probably not. They seem expensive for the number of patches in the set. They worked really well during a limited specific time at the beginning stage of a pimple, but after that time frame didn't perform better than the Cover-dot. Not terrible, but I'm not sure they are worth the price and packaging.