Baby Sunscreen Lotion with Zinc Oxide SPF 50


Baby Sunscreen Lotion with Zinc Oxide SPF 50

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Baby Sunscreen Lotion with Zinc Oxide SPF 50

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination AcneBlackheadsSensitive+ 1
Good and safe from sensitive skin! However, a white cast... (Probably only designed for babies)

I tried this product, because it is designed for babies, meaning it would probably not include harmful chemicals and is designed for sensitive skin. It protects my face well and my skin doesn't feel irritated. However, because it is a physical sunscreen, when I apply it on my body, I feel that the sunscreen gets rubbed off my body over time and the protection isn't there anymore. Also, this product had a horrible white cast on my face. I think this product is not designed for anyone, other than babies... This product should be suitable for babies though, unless a lot of movements are made that causes the sunscreen to be rubbed off.

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