Snail Essential Deep Cleansing Foam

Cleansing Story

Snail Essential Deep Cleansing Foam

Average rating from 1 Ratings

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Snail Essential Deep Cleansing Foam

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination AcneBlackheadsPores+ 2
I wouldn't recommend

I bought this at a local Winners. It does a good job at removing any leftover makeup and dirt, but it isn't the greatest for acne. I thought that the snail filtrate would help clear up my skin, but it doesn't really do anything. I can't entirely say that helped me, but it didn't make my skin any worse that I know of.
The good thing about this product is that it is budget friendly, but it isn't the most effective cleanser that you can buy. Also, it smells kind of weird and it kind of feels like a film is left on your skin?