Cooling Aqua Facial Mist


Cooling Aqua Facial Mist

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Cooling Aqua Facial Mist

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 2
Good helper with hydration

It has a nice size (but it can be kinda big to take it with you outside). It has a small particle, so it sprays really well (avoiding that "spitting" feeling that other mists leave on your skin). In my opinion is not too much hydrating, but I like to use it to refresh my face during hot days or when I feel that my routine didn't give me enough hydration after finish it. I used it to hydrate clay masks when they feel too tight and hydrates really good too.

And it's also a good soothing product, specially with mosquito stings and other rashes and redness that can appears during the day.

Didn't got an allergic reaction with this product, but people with sensitive skin may take care because of citric and bergamot oil.