Sea Mud Deep Cleansing Bar

Erno Laszlo

Sea Mud Deep Cleansing Bar

Average rating from 2 Ratings

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Sea Mud Deep Cleansing Bar

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 2 Reviews
oily AcneBlackheadsFungal+ 4

This bar cleanser is the best of its kind for my skin. I love how environmentally friendly the packaging is but I love how it makes my skin feel even more. I have oily uneven skin and I prefer cleansers that aren't too gentle and this bar gives the perfect about of grit to make me feel squeaky clean. The biggest problem with this product is the price. There is no scenario where I buy this full price for that alone.

dry EczemaRosaceaBlackheads+ 3
I had such high hopes for this

I used this every day, for two weeks. I looked horrific, with bumps, boils and a rosacea outburst on top of it. So I tried to dial it down to every other day. That didn't work either. It left my skin feeling tight and dry, I was flaking on my forehead and cheeks, and around my nose. It didn't do anything for my pores. And sure, it smells strongly of sulfur, but I didn't mind the smell, had it worked on me.