AC Clean Up Pink Powder Mask


AC Clean Up Pink Powder Mask

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AC Clean Up Pink Powder Mask

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination AcneEczemaRosacea+ 3
This product surprised me a lot!

This product contains thick pink cream you can apply to your face. It has a herb smell. The smell might be very strong for some people but I don't mind it at all. It smells strong like a mint - or like something similar. I used Innisfree's famous pore clay mask, but this is better! Skin is very smooth. It didn't conflict my dry skin at all, I didn't feel stretching while drying the mask like from other brands. After washing off my pores were visibly better. Also, this product helps with oily skin, the face becomes matte. I am using this mask every time when I have worsened acne or very oily face. The best thing is that my sensitive skin didn't have any reaction :) I hope my review helped you.