Milky Jelly Cleanser


Milky Jelly Cleanser

Average rating from 23 Ratings

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Milky Jelly Cleanser

from 23 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 16 Ratings • 7 Reviews
combination AcneEczemaAnti-Aging+ 5
Light cleanser

I used to use this cleanser everyday and night constantly it was my go to, i love that it barley has a fragrance and feels so light but still i felt clean. However after a while i felt that there really was no improvement with my skin if anything it felt like my skin was becoming greasy again when this product used to help, perhaps my skin got too used to it? or there was a ingredient change i wasn't aware of? would 100% recommend for sensitive skin, i just wish it did more for my skin.

dry PIHAcne

jaeda has left a 5 star rating.
combination AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 4

fluffandcuddles has left a 2 star rating.
combination PIHAcneRosacea+ 4
Just lovely

I just love the milky jelly cleanser; it's super gentle and great at removing makeup. It also lasts for a really long time! I only wish they had a fragrance-free option (rosewater is fragrance!). I seem to be dealing with it well, but not everyone does. It's also nice that it's cruelty-free :)

combination AcneBlackheadsPores+ 1

taram has left a 4 star rating.
dry SensitiveDehydratedWhiteheads

emmaleeingi has left a 3 star rating.
combination PIHAcneEczema+ 6

potatocats has left a 5 star rating.
oily BlackheadsPoresSensitive+ 1
pore clogging warning!!

One of the worst cleansers I've ever tried... I gave two stars instead of one just because it's a gentle cleanser that didn't make my skin break out. In spite of this, I was really disappointed by this product. Advertising is great, packaging is great, smell is great, consistency is great but as long as its efficacy I am really doubtful.

It doesn't cleanse so good, especially some waterproof makeup traces, and on top of that it's also really PORE CLOGGING! My pores got worse in a day or two and right now I don't know what to do with the leftover product. I tried some other Glossier products and, I'm sorry, this is the worst ever. Skincare items are disappointing, Glossier should focus on makeup.

combination None

midnightcomets has left a 5 star rating.
oily PIHAcneRosacea+ 3

keshbltzr has left a 5 star rating.
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