Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion

Hada Labo

Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion

Average rating from 11 Ratings

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Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion

from 11 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 6 Ratings • 5 Reviews
oily AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 4

michderis has left a 5 star rating.
dry DehydratedWhiteheads

marshmeluv has left a 5 star rating.
combination AcneFungalDehydrated+ 1

vibikailaa has left a 4 star rating.
combination AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 3

dipii has left a 3 star rating.
combination PIHAcneBlackheads+ 5
Moisturizing even it's a lotion (toner)

Saya menggunakan ini selama pandemik karena selalu berada di ruangan yang dingin. Cukup melembabkan dan saat dituang ke tangan memang dia isinya agak lengket dan kental.

I use this during pandemics because I always in a cool room. It is enough to moisturize and when poured into the hands it is indeed a bit sticky and thick.

combination PIHAcneFungal+ 1
It Stand With Their Motto, Simple

This product helps on moisturizing my skin and it's fungal acne safe.
It also doesn't promotes oily skin.
It's safe to say that this product really do the job.
My personal problem with this product is i still can feel this product sitting on my face after few minutes of applying and it makes my skin tacky.

combination Anti-AgingBlackheadsPores+ 3

ghindanev has left a 3 star rating.
combination PIHAcneFungal+ 4
I got whiteheads and bumpy skin after 3 months of usage

Did the job for moisturizing the skin. But after a few months of usage, my skin started to develop tiny whiteheads or comedones around my cheeks and forehead. My skin started to get a bit bumpy and then I decided to change my moisturizer and bought peeling toner. Now my forehead is clear, and I still have a bit on my cheeks. I think they developing into comedonal acnes on my cheecks 😭

combination BlackheadsFungalSensitive+ 2
super love this product!!!

iiii once tried the moisturizing light, that one is aimed for oily skin honestly. but i try to use this product and its surprisingly doing such an amazing work to my combinatiom skin!!! its well hydrated on my skin but it doesn't feel thick. make my skin feel softer also i noticed that my pore looks vague. some area of my cheeks was a little bit sensitive n red, and this product make my skin really calm. i recommended you all to try this! really worth to buy!!

dry AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 6
bagus bgt😭

bagus banget, waktu itu lagi ada fungal acne dan pas pake ini, fungal acnenya sedikit demi sedikit hilang, seneng bangeeet. muka juga jadi terhidrasi dan lembab parah. recommend buat yang tipe wajahnya kering seperti aku. untuk harga juga affordable. gampang dicari di drugstore.

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