Hyaluronic Acid Water Sleeping Mask


Hyaluronic Acid Water Sleeping Mask

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Hyaluronic Acid Water Sleeping Mask

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination Anti-AgingBlackheadsFungal+ 4

Mates, I love this product so much. It is the best step each night before I go to sleep, at least for my skin it gives me just what I need, doesn't clog pores, moisturizes really well, doesn't have a smell, right tacky consistency, it is just great for me. I will definitely buy this again and I would recommend it because it did improved my skin a lot after I started using this product in particular. I feel like other steps could fail me but this is the one I trust that will save the night. Really good on my combination skin. Make sure to apply a slightly thick layer all over the face and let it do it's wonder overnight.