


Average rating from 70 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 2 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination AcneAnti-AgingPores
It’s okay. Good for targeting or spot clearing

I use to use this as a daily cleanser, before i did research for skin care which i do not recommend for for combination to oily skin. I would get so oily afterwards, with or without a moisturizer. Although i was surprised to see that it was free of alcohol, silicone, parabens, and sulphate.

But i do like it for a deep cleanser mask or just putting dabs of it on an emerging zit or pimple.

combination PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 5

rovingrhea has left a 5 star rating.
combination AcneAnti-AgingFungal+ 1
Gets rid of acne, but has it’s hiccups

My mom's co-worker told her about this and she told me and I've been using i think 3-4 years now. In theory, this works great for oily acne prone skin because the benzyol peroxide killed my acne and the two different clays reduced my oil production over time.

However, the product is drying and artificially tingly/burny from the menthol (it does go away after regular use). I suggest slowly adding it into your routine until you are used to it.

Also its not really a cleanser. I recommend following its cleanser vs mask instructions. Daily mask may cause irritation for me. I use it in the morning like a cleanser as my first step, and I only use an actually cleanser at night.

Lastly, benzoyl peroxide is staining. So try not to get it on your clothes.

Over all though it does work, its just not the most gentle of products.