Oil-Free Moisturizer SPF 35


Oil-Free Moisturizer SPF 35

Average rating from 3 Ratings

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Oil-Free Moisturizer SPF 35

from 3 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 2

electrofik has left a 4 star rating.
oily AcneBlackheadsUneven+ 1
Suitable Moisturizer and Daily SPF for My Acne-Prone Skin

Many moisturizers that claim to be non-comedogenic still end up causing break-outs for me, often because of the use of several fatty alcohols that have high comedogenic ratings when combined. This product did not cause in increase in breakouts, keeps my skin moisturized, and has high-enough SPF for typical days (though I use an SPF of 50 containing physical sunscreens when I expect more sun-exposure). it wears well underneath makeup, and does not leave me shiny or contain fragrance. The sunscreen smell disappears within a few minutes. I only wish that they would add niacinamide to one of these formulas.