Daily Defender Lightweight Moisturizing Sunscreen


Daily Defender Lightweight Moisturizing Sunscreen

Average rating from 3 Ratings

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Daily Defender Lightweight Moisturizing Sunscreen

from 3 Ratings

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Community: 2 Ratings • 1 Review
combination AcneBlackheadsDehydrated

ckchia86 has left a 5 star rating.
combination Whiteheads

I just used this product for a month now. The product is good, not causing any breakout to my face and I also I love the smell (it have kinda medication smell for me). The only one thing I do not like is because sometimes it have a bit residue after put it on my face. And I also need to apply carefully because if not it won't blend well with my face. I'm still consider either I want to repurchase or not

oily AcneBlackheadsFungal+ 4

gambate01 has left a 1 star rating.