No Offense Alcohol and Aluminum Free Deodorant


No Offense Alcohol and Aluminum Free Deodorant

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No Offense Alcohol and Aluminum Free Deodorant

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination PIHEczemaBlackheads+ 2
Good Clean Deodorant

I recently started looking for more natural/clean deodorants and the representative at Origins recommended this one based on customer's reviews. The representative told me Origins had discontinued this deodorant for some time but customers requested it so much that they brought it back. I decided to give it a try and it's actually a very good deodorant.

It is like a clear-gel bar that you twist up and it has a very light scent. The gel goes on smoothly without any white residue. I have been using it for about 3 months without it causing any irritation. Before this one, I tried a few by the highly rated Native Deodorants and they irritated my underarms (Cotton Lilly and unscented ones didn't irritated me as much but they just didn't work for me). I'm even able to apply this deodorant right after shaving and I haven't experienced any irritation. Also, I haven't noticed any transfer (residue or stains) to my clothes which I'm really happy with.

My only problem with this deodorant is that its effect/odor protection doesn't last me very long. I put it on after showering and it may be good for about 8 hours without major physical activity (meaning just going to work at an office). I feel the need to reapply after that. When reapplied, it immediately neutralizes any odor without turning into a stinky mess. However, it's not very effective, at least for me, while exercising or sweating a lot. I'll keep using it but will continue my search for a natural deodorant with better long-lasting protection.