Targeted Blemish Serum 2% Salicylic Acid

Revolution Beauty

Targeted Blemish Serum 2% Salicylic Acid

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Targeted Blemish Serum 2% Salicylic Acid

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination PIHBlackheadsSensitive+ 2
Hmm...a pass

So, the product is advertised as a targeted blemish, meaning it should be in theory applied to blemishes themselves. I have used it a couple of times on active blemishes, but honestly, I do not see the point. I much rather prefer using pimple patches overnight, with much better results. Upon applying the product on the entire face, the product foams, which is in my opinion, a rather poor texture. Perhaps with persistent use over a period of time it would show different, better results. but for now, I'd rather use pimple patches and a different kind of active ingredient. It's a shame that it contains alcohol, not very pleasant experience for sensitive skin.