Dermasafe Gentle Care Mousse Cleanser


Dermasafe Gentle Care Mousse Cleanser

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Dermasafe Gentle Care Mousse Cleanser

from 7 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 6 Reviews
oily PIHAcnePores+ 2
Very very recommended

in loveeee sangat, does not make my face feel tight (pakai in 1 minute je) no more breakout, tinggal parut. also dah pakai dua botol, acne dgn parut pun dah kurang, acne besar2 dah jarang sangat2, tu pun sbb hormon, yg penting cari produk yg sesuai 👍🏼

oily AcneAnti-AgingFungal+ 3
Review Jujur

Pada pandangan saya, cleanser ni sesuai untuk kulit sensitif. Setelah cuci, muka tidak terlalu kering dan ia akan melembapkan kulit juga. Cuma susah sngt nk dpt produk ni, kadang-kadang dkt drugstore pon hbis stok. Yg best skali ada bahan lactic acid sebagai exfoliator. Then, buih dia jenis gentle dan tak sngt lembut. 1 botol pon tahan lama.

oily AcneEczemaBlackheads+ 5

densdev has left a 5 star rating.
combination BlackheadsFungalPores+ 4
High recommended!

I can minimize touching or rubbing face with hands that would decrease skin elasticity. I use 2 pumps on both hands and its enough to make a soft foamy mousse layer on my hands. After rinse off with water (without touching face), my skin feels clean and hydrate. Its very soft and gentle.. Also the ingredients are very nice and safe for any type of skin. I would love to repurchase and recommend this cleanser to everyone ✔✔✔

combination PIHAcneBlackheads+ 4
Very gentle!

I've been looking for really gentle cleansers which are available in my country and affordable and THIS is the answer! I like how soft and supple my skin feels after using it every time. Not to mention it's not that stripping, so my oil reproduction has decreased and thanks to the Licorice extract, most of my acne aren't really that irritated! My skin's also a tad bit sensitive so it's really great that this cleanser doesn't have any fragrance or sulfates. It's overall an excellent product!!!

combination AcneBlackheadsFungal+ 3
real gentle for your skin

produces abundant foam in just one pump! my skin felt hydrated and clean at the same time (skin type : combination, oily at T zone). suitable for people who needs fair priced gentle cleanser. you can easily find it on watsons. in short, recommended!

oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 6
Calming My Redness and Irritate Skin

Before I'm using this cleanser, my skin is already get irritant by my previous cleanser and moisturizer. And after that I started to looking a mild and gentle cleanser, and then I found out Safi Dermasafe. Even though my skin is oily, but I choose this cleanser instead of the gel one, because the mousse is free from SLS. And thankfully this cleanser is really helped me with my redness and irritant skin! after I wash my face with this cleanser, my face is not feeling like squeaky clean, I even feel so hydrated! I think this cleanser would definetly work on every skin type!~