Level 1% Retinol


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Level 1% Retinol

from 7 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 6 Reviews
oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 4
Heart-broken :(

A littler background, I have got an oily skin type (ridiculously oily on my T-zone area), and this the second retinol product that I've used in my entire life. I used this product for 2 weeks (obv. I did not use it every day), and every time I used this product I got a really bad breakout straight away on the next day on almost every area on my face. Also after using it my face feels really dry and stretched. I tried to bear with it but after using it for 2 weeks, I was losing my confidence in such a short time because of the breakouts, I decided it's time to move on from this product. This is purely my opinion based on MY experience. I hope this can help other people before buying the product.

combination Anti-AgingDehydratedWhiteheads

serum ini the best banget buat ilangin bekas jerawat, butuh waktu lama sih sekitar sebulan lebih. tapi bekas jerawat dan bopeng noda hitam memudar, semoga hilang nantinya. ini bikin kulit kering jadi selesai pakai serum ini harus lanjut dengan pelembab. berasa por-pori mengecil, jarang komedoan. cinta banget sama serum ini

normal PIHAnti-AgingPores+ 2
2nd bottle!

My first experience with retinol wasn't a good one (V**** Peau) because it broke me out every week! As a first time user, since all the reviews I read said that that tends to happen with retinol I just rolled with it. I switched to Somethinc when it came out, a lil anxious to start in fear of the same breakout galore. But it was a smooth sail from the start! Such a gentle product that doesn't dry you out so much like other retinol serums. I use their Hyaluronic Acid serum beforehand so I guess it makes a difference. This is my second bottle and I don't think I'll ever change product. Noticeable skin improvement such as pores, even skin tone, no more acne! Such a great product. <3

oily AcneEczemaBlackheads+ 5

densdev has left a 5 star rating.
combination FungalUneven
I Always Get Back to This

I'm new in retinol journey and this one is not the first product I tried. After finishing one bottle of other product, I got curious to try this one and keep coming back to this one. They use retinol, not retinyl palmitate, so it's more effective. But the interesting one is it's not any retinol, it's encapsulated retinol. You will be getting the advantage of retinol without getting irritated, since retinol is an active ingredients. I can apply this every night and got the result quickly. My skin is glowing and I noticed my smile line is diminishing as well as my soft wrinkles. This is the holy grail skincare!

combination PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 5
Retinol yang cocok dipakai utk newbie yg baru mau coba2 retinol dan punya kulit sensitif

Pertama kali coba retinol ya dari somethinc ini. Sebelumnya gak pernah berani coba2 produk berbahan retinol krn takut kena efek kering dan purgingnya.

Warna nya kuning, bau nya fresh gak ganggu samsek. Tekstur nya cair. Gak sekental somethinc moisture beet dan niacinamide nya. Gak ada sensasi tingling atau cekit2 pas diaplikasi. Setelah diaplikasi muka gak jadi becek. Cepat menyerap jadi gak gengges dikulit. Bangun pagi wajah juga gak jadi kering. Malah jadi glowing, meskipun gak glowing2 banget.

Sudah 2 bulan pakai ini, pori2 sedikit lbh mengecil. Gak ngerasain purging sama sekali. Buat yg mau coba produk retinol, apalagi punya kulit sensitif gue saranin cobain dulu somethinc ini. Tapi jgn lupa tetep pakai toner yg mengandung hyaluronic acid dan pakai moisturizer yaa.

Good job somethinc!

oily BlackheadsFungalPores+ 1
My holygrail!

Awalnya iseng mau coba active ingredients. Karena penasaran sama claim retinol dari somethinc ini akhirnya beli dan pake udah 3 mingguan. Hasilnya oke juga di mukaku. Keliatan lebih cerah dan ngefek banget for my pimples.
Sebelum pake ini kebetulan aku lagi breakout, tapi bener-bener kebantu banget pas rutin pake ini tiap malem (setelah toner, sebelum moisturizer). Sebotol isinya 20 ml tapi mau sebulan ini belum habis setengah. Harganya 155 ribu sih di official storenya.