Care Plus Manuka Honey Cream


Care Plus Manuka Honey Cream

Average rating from 1 Ratings

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Care Plus Manuka Honey Cream

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry Anti-AgingBlackheadsPores+ 2
Heavy in a good way

This is not so much a cream as an ointment, which is great for my dry and dehydrated skin. Obviously, it might be too much for less-dry people and I wouldn't recommend it for oily skin.

The product itself is thick and translucent. It looks like it would be crazy-sticky, but it's not at all. It melts onto the skin and doesn't dry up so my skin never feels tight or smothered. It doesn't just sit there either though- it absorbs really really well. It makes a fabulous night cream because I can apply it thickly and it stays moist while having plenty of time to absorb. In the morning there's no residue at all. I don't recommend doing it this way if you sleep with your face in your pillow though! (It's really bad for your skin, try not to do that!)

I only took off a star for the fragrance which is a powdery perfumy one and, in my opinion, way too strong.