AC Fighting Oil - Free Aqua Cream


AC Fighting Oil - Free Aqua Cream

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AC Fighting Oil - Free Aqua Cream

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily AcneBlackheadsPores+ 3
Really great for Oily skin!!!

I tried to find some light cream for my Oily, Sensitive and at the same time Dehydrated Skin. Skin product really helped me, at last first period. It have light texture, that fast soak in and don't clogs pores. It didn't so mush helped with dehydration, but at the same time I didn’t expect this product will help me with that.
Unfortunately, now this product became to light for me. I started use Differin to fight acne and my skin changed from Oily to Normal type. Now, especially in cold weather, my skin needs a heavier product. I plan to continue use that product during warm period, but for now it not the best option.
In conclusion I can say, if you have Oily skin type, you definitely need to try it.