Raw Monofloral Manuka Honey K Factor 16


Raw Monofloral Manuka Honey K Factor 16

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Raw Monofloral Manuka Honey K Factor 16

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily AcneBlackheadsPores+ 4
the only face wash you'll ever need

i get it. it's honey. it doesn't have all the cool ingredients you're used to looking for in a cleanser, in fact it's only got one ingredient; it's just honey, super duper fancy shmancy honey from new zealand. in fact why would i suggest it as a viable skin cleanser in the first place? well i'm not an expert but I do have a face and I'll tell you my experience. keep in mind i use the 60 second method when cleansing (wash face for at least 60 seconds, tbh i mostly do like 5 minutes im really into it idk). also, if i have the time, i leave the honey on as a mask for about 20 minutes before rinsing. when i rinse off the honey my face feels clean but moisturized. the honey doesn't strip the face of it's natural oils and actually moisturizes the skin as you wash. it is also anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial which is amazing both for my acne and for my sensitive skin. i would say that i prefer the manuka honey even more than a raw organic honey from the health food store. it has a very rich smell (almost goaty but not at all in a bad way, i mean it's honey after all, it smells sweet), and definitely feels medicinal. i don't like mixing the honey with anything i feel like that dilutes it's properties. this is my favorite face wash. I'm still working on building a routine but i do this daily and it has helped so much.

-cleanses without stripping oils
-soothes redness and inflammation
-anti-bacterial (it actually helps substantially with acne)
-very moisturizing
-can also be used a face mask
- i got mine as a gift but it's pretty pricey i think. not sure how it's price compares to other cleansers, especially ones that work as well as it does.