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Cosmetic Analyzer
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Copy and paste ingredient lists into our analyzer tool below to find out more about the ingredients in interested skincare & cosmetic products to make smarter and informed choices
Are they free from commonly avoided ingredients such as Parabans, Sulfate, Alcohol, Silicone, Allergens, Comedogenic (Acne-causing) Ingredients & Fungal Acne (Malassezia) Triggers?
Do they contain any Notable Ingredients to help with either Acne-Fighting, Brightening, UV Protection, Wound Healing or Anti-Aging?
Ingredient suitability for skin types such as dry, sensitive & oily (acne-prone) along with Health Ratings from CIR (Cosmetic Ingredient Review) & EWG (Environmental Working Group).
Previously using CosDNA for your ingredient analysis? Find out why skincare enthuasists around the world have made the switch to SkinCarisma here.
We’ve made it easy to use CosDNA ingredient lists through our analyzer.
Simply copy and paste ingredient list URL from CosDNA below:
*Note: Enter only one Cosdna URL and ensure it starts with 'http://cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_' in order for it to work!
Example URL: http://cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_c947327687.html