Fungal Acne Safe Night Routine (Summer) *Not* 100% Safe Routine

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when i'm wearing makeup:

makeup eraser

first aid beauty cleanser (NOT safe, i'm trying to use this up, but it has never created a fa break out)

garnier micellar cleansing water (if needed, do not use this daily since i use the makeup eraser)

before bed routine:

vanicream cleanser

thayers witch hazel

stridex pads (forehead only)

glossier solution (NOT a 100% safe, but recommended by liah yoo i use it on my cheeks, chin, under jawline)

glow recipe pineapple serum

clinque moisturizer

ordinary squalane oil (drops into my moisturizer)

**after i shower i apply the de la cruz sulfur ointment for 20 minutes on areas with bumps and rinse with water** (currently doing this daily, start with 10 minutes and gradually move to 20 minutes)

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