Eye Makeup Remover


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Eye Makeup Remover

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination AcneBlackheadsPores+ 3
Greasy. Might as well use pure petroleum jelly.

It removes makeup very effectively, but it is both difficult to apply and to remove. It's a solid gel that feels exactly like petroleum jelly, and it feels very greasy. The concept is that it can be used by rubbing it on and then wiping it off, taking the makeup with it. However, if you try to use it to remove your eye makeup, as it suggests on the packaging, you will regret it. It causes a lot of buildup and is impossible to wash off with just water; so if you get it in your eyes, it cannot be flushed out without some sort of soap or emulsifier. Be very careful when using this product. Better yet, find something else more worth your money.