Very High Protection Teintee Cream


Very High Protection Teintee Cream

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Very High Protection Teintee Cream

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review
normal RosaceaAnti-AgingSensitive

jimedg has left a 4 star rating.
combination PIHAcneMelasma+ 1
Great for people who don’t have problem with fungal acne

I bought this product in a rush before leaving for a holiday and I didn't check if it's safe for my skin type. I am fungal acne prone but for some reason this tinted cream didn't trigger it at all! It didn't even clog my pores. I'm not sure if it's just some kind of coincidence (better immunity and diet, using glycolic acid toner everyday) or whether is this product designed so well. However, the texture feels a little bit sticky and the color is too orange for my relatively pale skin. It offers very light glowy coverage that looks really pretty. It's not drying at all.