Gel de Limpieza


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Gel de Limpieza

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
normal RosaceaAnti-AgingSensitive
Great for sensitive Skin

I was recommended this cleansing gel by my dermatologist to use as part of my treatment for Rosacea. I have a very mild Rosacea which reacts to harsh products. Other cleaning gels, like the ones from Neutrogena, which I could using during my teens, I can not tolerate right now. I recently tried once of such products again and I had an immediate reactions with redness and irritation,
On the contrary, this gel has been great for my skin. At the beggining I did not feel any difference, but eventually I realized I was getting way less pimples or redness. I do not usually wear make up, but I do regularly wear sun screen. I then use this washing gel as the second step in my double cleanse routine, or alone in days of quarantine/id I don´t go out. I specially like that you only need a bit of product (they recently changed the packaging to allow the user to regulate how much product you take). It is a bit pricy for the argentine market, but you can always wait for it to be on discount. Even at full price is totally worth its price.
Since I do not live in Argentina, I will need to replace it once it is over, and I think I will go for the Simple Wash Gel. But I will buy this gel again every chance I have.