Gevoelige Huid Zonnecrème Gezicht SPF 50+


Gevoelige Huid Zonnecrème Gezicht SPF 50+

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Gevoelige Huid Zonnecrème Gezicht SPF 50+

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry AcneRosaceaFungal+ 2
Good for sensitive/DRY skin!

My very sensitive skin didn´t react to this sunscreen. Its a pretty thick cream and it´s very shiny on the skin. If you don´t mind that then its a perfect sunscreen for you. I dont like to use this everyday because my skin is normal to dry and some days its just to thick. However I do like to use this when I go to the beach or be in the sun all day because then my skin dries out and this sunscreen prevents that.
If you have oily/acne skin I wouldnt recommend.