Berry Lip Sleeping Mask


Berry Lip Sleeping Mask

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Berry Lip Sleeping Mask

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry AcnePoresSensitive+ 1
Affordable & Wonderful

This is my holy grail lip product. My lips are hardly ever chapped now, and one pot of this lasts a few months.
I have very dry skin and my lips are often chapped. Additionally, I'm allergic to many fragrances in products such as Burt's Bees. I had tried the lacuna overnight lip mask before this, and I found it more expensive and less effective. I use the Care:Nel Overnight lip mask maybe 2-5 times a day (depending on the time of year), and I've bought it over and over again. It smells wonderful, but not too intense. A great product!