Laser Sunscreen 100 SPF50+/PA+++

Cell Fusion C

Laser Sunscreen 100 SPF50+/PA+++

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Laser Sunscreen 100 SPF50+/PA+++

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination PIHAcneBlackheads+ 4
I wanted to love this sunscreen

I have sensitive, acne prone skin. My skin HATES sunscreens, so I was on a mission to find a fitting one. I've stumbled upon this sunscreen's review online. It sounded perfect, the reviewer also had the same skin hating sunscreens problem. So I said whatever, I'm willing to spend an extra on something that is actually good.
My first impression was great, it felt so nice on, moisturizing, but not heavy, smell is so lovely, it absorbed well. I think it is a perfect sunscreen if you have not acne prone, normal skin, maybe even dry. But it caused havoc on my skin, every time massive inflamed pimples would pop up. At first it was fine, but I guess later my skin figured out that it hates it, so every time I applied it a new pimple would pop up. Not even 24 hours after application, red pimples would appear. It stopped after discontinuing.

- feels like a luxury product
- feels very nice on skin
- moisturizing
- absorbs great
- could probably be used instead of moisturizer in the morning
- you will love it if your skin isn't acne prone or super reactive

-If you have issues with acne, avoid this.