Essentials Moisturizer

Clean & Clear

Essentials Moisturizer

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Essentials Moisturizer

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review
combination BlackheadsFungalPores+ 2
Causes fungal acne and texture on the face

I used to have relatively clear skin with occasional hormonal acnes. My main struggle was blackheads. I bought this because it claimed to "prevent pimples and blackheads" and used it for 2-3 months. But then my skin started becoming textured. I started having fungal acne all over my forehead and on the side of my temples. It doesn't cause my skin to breakout but it really triggered the fungal acne. It also didn't do anything with my blackheads. I didn't realize that this product was the main cause of my fungal acne and textured skin until I did my research on this product's ingredients. Turns out the majority of the ingredients are actually fungal acne triggers. I stopped using it ever since last month and my skin is gradually getting better although I still haven't gotten rid of the fungal acne and texture on my face. The only good thing about this moisturizer is the light consistency therefore is very easy to absorb. This moisturizer is also perfumed, I believe a good skincare product shouldn't contain much fragrance. But at the end of the day this is my experience, this product probably doesn't suit my skin type and condition. I can't say for sure for other skin types.

oily PIHAcneFungal+ 4

bluesclus has left a 4 star rating.