Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield SPF 50 (PA+++)


Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield SPF 50 (PA+++)

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Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield SPF 50 (PA+++)

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination PIHMelasmaAnti-Aging+ 6
It works great but leaves face a bit shiny

I've been using this sunscreen for about 10 months. It's moisturizing and soothes inflammation. It's very light and doesn't feel heavy. I feel it offers really good protection. I sometimes have layered the pressed powder sunscreen and the brush on sunforgettable over this for added protection. It's very hard to wash off though. Probably because it's loaded with silicones. I'm not too crazy about that. Also didn't notice until recently that my face is super shiny (probably because its summer and hot). During the winter it just leaves a nice glow. I combine the bronze color with the regular color to darken it some to match my skin tone (otherwise it's a bit too light). It doesn't leave a white cast and blends in well. I have not noticed any breakouts due to the use of this product. I really like it, it has a lot of good ingredients. I don't like the silicones but I'll deal with that as I don't like nano ingredients in some of the either sunscreens (and think silicone is the lesser of two evils). Overall the look in the winter is dewy and smooth. In the summer (probably due to the heat) kinda greasy-ish and smooth. I don't wear makeup though. Just the sunscreen so this could be resolved with foundation or powder, though, because of the high silicone content it could pill when you apply a liquid foundation. I'll keep using it.