Anti-Wrinkle Vitamin A Glycolic Cleanser with Papaya

derma e

Anti-Wrinkle Vitamin A Glycolic Cleanser with Papaya

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Anti-Wrinkle Vitamin A Glycolic Cleanser with Papaya

from 7 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination Anti-AgingBlackheadsPores+ 2
I like it!

Lately I've been purchasing cleansers like a madwoman in search for that perfect one (I don't know what my deal is, I mean they're just cleansers, they're not supposed to do much). I my shopping spree I purchased this little gem and I gotta say I am quite happy with it. I've been using it with a konjac sponge as my second step cleanser and I'm very happy with the results. My skin is left feeling clean and soft, without being stripped, which almost always happens no matter what cleanser I use. I will probably try other cleansers after I finish this one, mainly because I am a product junkie, but this is definitely on my "will repurchase at some point in the future" list.