Hydrating Floral Spafresh - Spritzer


Hydrating Floral Spafresh - Spritzer

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Hydrating Floral Spafresh - Spritzer

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry Anti-AgingPoresSensitive
Overall ok

This Spafresh Spritzer is like a toner. I apply it after cleansing every day in the morning and evening.
* For me not very convenient is to use it as a sprayer, I like to pad the toner on my skin.
* It evaporate super fast (I spray some amount on the palm of my hand and then pad it on my face gently, and you can feel how fast it is evaporated, because it contains alcohol)
* It penetrated super fast or evaporate super fast on the skin (I suggest always to follow with an essence or skin oil - I use oil)
* My skin gets a little bit red (could be linked due to the alcohol), but after using oil in those skin areas, the redness calms down.

I think I will try to find an alternative which is more soft to my skin. Also I don't like sprayer toners so much (personal opinion). I got this toner as a gift ;)