Super Slim Proof Pencil Liner - Black


Super Slim Proof Pencil Liner - Black

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Super Slim Proof Pencil Liner - Black

from 12 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
dry Anti-AgingDehydratedUneven
Black is not black, but grey. A really bad eyeliner

My thoughts on Etude House super slim proof liner in pencil
This pencil is really thin and I feel that it is quite hard to work with just because the pencil is so thin. When applied on the waterline it is not completely black, more grayish and I do feel that it is not very smooth. I very seldom use a black liner, since my eyes are hooded It can sometimes look like I only wear eyeliner it I use the black once. But I do use them mainly for tight lining for a fuller look of my eyelashes. When I use black eyeliner I really want it to be black and not gray.

This is not a pencil that you can smudge, it dries really fast but still it transfers if you blink before it is completely dried. This doesn’t last at all, but at least better than the brown one. It does last longer in my waterline than on the lid so after two hours the eyeliner was almost gone on top of my lid, but it was still visible on my waterline.