Tint My 4-Tip Brow - Dark Brown


Tint My 4-Tip Brow - Dark Brown

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Makeup Eyes

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Tint My 4-Tip Brow - Dark Brown

from 19 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
dry Anti-AgingDehydratedUneven
I nice brow product

My thought on Etude House Tint My 4-tip Brow
I was really surprised by this product, I actually really like it.

I only use a tiny amount because I really don’t like the look of overdrawn eyebrows. The overdrawn look or the Instagram look started in the drag business. Simply for guys to look more feminine.

To me, the overdrawn eyebrow looks weird (on me) and unnatural and is simply not for me. But it might look good on you, and if you are liking it, keep it up. It is only makeup and you should have fun with it.
This type of product can work for those who doesn’t like that Instagram look and also for those who do. It all depends on how much you use and how strong you make the lines.

If you like the natural look you need to be very light on your hand when applying. Otherwise you lose the stroke like look.

The color I received, dark brown, is a little too light for me, but I can still use it. I do feel that the shade is a little weird. To me it feels like a light brown tinting towards yellow.

When I apply it I simply apply it were my eyebrow are sparse, and where I need a little more filled effect.

It will take some practice in applying it, before you will get the result that you are looking for. And it is the perfect way to get the illusion of fuller eyebrows. If you are going for the Instagram look, this will probably look painted on, the same as a regular brush.