Supergel Oil-free Moisturiser M3 for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin


Supergel Oil-free Moisturiser M3 for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin

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Supergel Oil-free Moisturiser M3 for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin

from 5 Ratings

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Community: 2 Ratings • 3 Reviews
combination AcneSensitiveUneven
Not completely for sensitive skin

I was really excited to have a moisturiser I could actually use. However after a while I realised it was causing me to have small breakouts. I guess it was the salicylic and lactic acids. Aside from this it wasn't super hydrating so it's not that effective for dry skin.

oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 2
The only moisturizer I have loved for my very oily (sensitive) skin

I LOVE this product- it's a very lightweight and non-greasy gel moisturizer that provides the perfect amount of hydration for my very oily skin without leaving a sticky layer on your skin. Before I tried this product I had never had a moisturizer that I didn't make my acne worse, but this one actually makes my skin clearer and helps spots/scars heal faster when I use it every morning and evening.
It has lots of amazing active ingredients as well as natural ingredients (no harsh chemicals or fragrances) but still has a lovely, subtle scent.

And best of all it's a very reasonable price as you only need a small pea amount at a time and the tube you get lasts for a very long time.

Amazing moisturizer and affordable

A little goes a long way(one pump=face and neck), really hydrating, does not clog pores, absorbs fast without sticky feeling afterwards, i have seen improvement after 2 weeks of using.ABSOLUTELY GONNA BUY A NEXT BOTTLE!
Discount code: (IDK if still works: FB40

combination AcneRosaceaBlackheads+ 3

lanap has left a 5 star rating.
combination PIHAcneEczema+ 6

archangeldemon has left a 5 star rating.
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