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Community: 6 Ratings • 3 ReviewsThis is an amazing lotion, best used overnight because it is really moisturizing and a little sticky. It is really good at smoothing lines and hydrating. However, because it contains both arginine and squalane, it is not quite "fungal acne" safe. It does cause me the occasional itchy patch of acne and I had to stop using it. But I really loved using it besides that.
This product is supposed to be an all-in-one product, meaning your essence, toner, moisturizer, mask and for that I love to use it as my last step in my night routine and every morning I seem to wake up with beautiful skin (until I wash it off lol). I will say I must be heavy handed since my skin does indeed feel sticky afterwards though. Which I have gotten over the non-sticky obsession because if I'm going to sleep it's okay because I do my routine hours before my face touches the pillow so my skin can properly absorb it.
This moisturizer is the best I've found. It even works better for me than many overnight moisture masks. It doesn't break me out, but it's as moisturizing as many cream-based lotions are.
The gel does dry to be a little tacky, but it's not noticeable under makeup.
Pro-tip: refill pouches are about $8 on Dokodemo.
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