Acne Defense Gel

Human Heart Nature

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Acne Defense Gel

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily PIHAcneEczema+ 7
nothing noticeable happened

i have sensitive skin face so the moment the gel touched my skin it was irritated. tho for starters, it's my fault having no idea that tea tree can irritate nor having any idea about skincare ingredients at all (i'm just a noob buying). i used it after i wash my face for at least 5 consecutive days and nothing noticeable happened on my acnes, other than it stings. tho skin absorbs it well and fast. didn't flatten, didn't lessen, a bit drying feeling, yes.

also, i tried using it on my back acne after noticing it didn't work for my sensitive face. the remaining contents are not enough for all my bacne to use it for days so i don't think something really happened after.