Sunflower Beauty Oil Luxe

Human Heart Nature

Sunflower Beauty Oil Luxe

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Sunflower Beauty Oil Luxe

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 2 Reviews
combination MelasmaFungalSensitive+ 2
I’m a fan of it!

I've tried searching for oil that I can apply on my face but won't trigger my annoying malassezia folliculitis or fungal acne. My skin type is combination so it is hard to find skin products that will moisturize and rehydrate my dry areas and control the sebum production on t zone. Human Nature sunflower oil and moringa hydrating toner works best for my skin type without worrying on fungal acne.

combination PIHAcne

I've tried the regular sunflower oil from HHN, but this LUXE variant is one of my favorites! Thank you, mom for giving this to me. I always use it for my eyebrows, eyelashes and armpits. It helped me grow my lashes and brows in a span of one month (Because I accidentally cut my eyelashes while curling them. And my eyebrows are not that thick). I saw a redditor posted that they use Sunflower OIl for their armpit's chicken skin and so I tried, and oh my gosh, it does work! There are a few times that I've used this on my face, and yes, it aIso helps me lighten my pimple marks. I try to put it on my face once a week. Sunflower oil first then, moisturizer.