Ormedic Balancing Facial cleanser

Image Skincare

Ormedic Balancing Facial cleanser

Average rating from 1 Ratings

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Ormedic Balancing Facial cleanser

from 1 Ratings

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Reviews & Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination Anti-AgingPoresSensitive+ 1

I have enjoyed using the Image ormedic skincare line. the polisher is my recent favorite product from this line. My skin is sensitive and more on the dryer side.

I did Not have any more breakouts and my face seemed more smooth, and hydrated. My Esthetician recommended me to try this line and I have had others in my salon that have Use this line and loved it as well.

I am not fully aware about what ingredients are for antiaging properties to prevent wrinkles and lines. The product line has a very clean smell and not overpowering. I actually love this No but I know some people may find it strong still.

I really am trying to find more words to review this item and it is hard to come up at 250 characters To submit this review.

I absolutely love this Option to look up ingredients As I find it very important to be educated and knowledgeable about what is being applied and absorbed into Our skin. Thank you for creating this analyzer and please let me know when it is a bit more user-friendly when leaving a review.

I would love to use this link on my website for my client to check in review their product I want to offer them some thing that is easier to submit their review. It is hard to find 250 words about this product or most

thank you,
Kayla Ouellette
Stylist and makeup artist
salon owner