Hydraluron Moisture Jelly

Indeed Laboratories

Hydraluron Moisture Jelly

Average rating from 3 Ratings

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Hydraluron Moisture Jelly

from 3 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 2 Ratings • 1 Review
combination PIHAcneFungal+ 1

kuusito has left a 5 star rating.
oily Anti-AgingBlackheadsPores+ 2
The best moisturiser I've ever used

Seriously the best moisturiser I've ever used - no silicones, alchohol and fantastic for my oily skin. Hydrates and doesn't break me out. I just wish it had a few more mls for money. It's suitable for sensitive skin and works brilliantly as a hydrator for someone using retinols.

combination PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 5

mirrorbride has left a 1 star rating.