Whitening Pore Sleeping Pack


Whitening Pore Sleeping Pack

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Whitening Pore Sleeping Pack

from 5 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination Blackheads
The sample is decent

I have a small sample tube of this product I received from the Happy Birthday Innisfree pack. The sleeping pack is a white slightly clump substance with tiny orange spores that I suspect contain the citrus extract. After using it twice a week for a span of 2 weeks (maybe this isn't how I'm meant to use it?) I didn't see much of a brightening effect. It was a decent mask though. However, I feel like you would get more hydration from other sleeping masks from Innisfree instead.

combination AcneSensitiveDehydrated+ 1

vikki has left a 5 star rating.