Pure-Clay Mask, Exfoliate & Refine Pores

L'Oreal Paris

Pure-Clay Mask, Exfoliate & Refine Pores

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Pure-Clay Mask, Exfoliate & Refine Pores

from 702 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
oily AcneBlackheadsPores+ 1

Even though this has some not great things in it my skin loves this. When my skin is being weird dull or just congested feeling I use this product in my face feels amazing. Haven't found a product that I was this excited to use when I first used. believe me I have tried all different kinds of skin care from natural to semi-natural to not natural. My skin feels better then most i use. I even packed it for a trip that is coming up I know I love it that much. it's so hard to get good skin care with everything that we need an it nowadays for a mid-range or affordable price so I say why not if this is some what good.

combination PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 4

lenina has left a 4 star rating.