The Treatment Lotion

La Mer

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The Treatment Lotion

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
combination PIHAcneDehydrated
Shockingly Good

La Mer is one of the brands that just... Always has people curious. There's constant debate, questions about integrity and effectiveness, much gawking at price. The products almost have an aura about them that keep them on people's radars.

I like to call this product the "gateway drug" of La Mer. It's not that expensive (compared to the rest of the line) and provides a rich layer of hydration post exfoliation, cleansing or even after lighter essences. Despite the name this definitely falls into the "essence" category. When I use this product, I have next to no redness, no texture (i.e. flakiness, rougness) and just generally happy skin. It is also excellent post-shaving to soothe down any irritation.

If you fall into the category I described at the beginning of this review, that is skeptical yet curious about La Mer, I would sample (or even potentially purchase the smaller bottle) of this product so you can see for yourself what all the fuss is about.