Watermelon Glow Mask

Lacoco en nature

Watermelon Glow Mask

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Watermelon Glow Mask

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
oily PIHAcnePores+ 2
My skin likes it!

The texture is gel and is quite occlusive. Usually I use it just like I'm using any other moisturizer, so I don't slather it all over my face like a mask and leave it overnight. It gets absorbed into the skin really fast that you can layer it again and again because the finish leaves the skin a little matte. I can even use it in the morning because it doesn't weigh down my skin at all, contrary to what sleeping mask are mostly designed. Whenever I use this the night before, I always wake up with minimal oil on my face. As for the brightening effect, I don't really see much difference. Does it give any 'glow' to the face? Not really.