Hair Conditioner Liquorice

Maria Åkerberg

Hair Conditioner Liquorice

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Hair Conditioner Liquorice

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry Anti-AgingDehydratedUneven
Really nice conditioner

My thoughts on Maria Åkerberg hair conditioner Licorice
My hair is really short and I usually don’t need to use conditioner but I bought this one together with a shampoo from Maria Åkerberg. I use it when my hair needs a little boost or feels a little dry. I bought the 200 ml size and this will last me forever. Since I have short hair I only need the tiniest amount (I am talking drops here) to make my hair feel softer and nicer. I have the typical Scandinavian hair, thin hairs and very straight. But still a lot of hairs.

I am not a fan of the packaging. The conditioner itself is very liquid and when pouring it out from the packaging you get way too much each time, so a pump would be a better choice. But just be gentle when pouring it out of the packaging and you will be fine.
This conditioner used to be called Fennel and Rosemary but they changed the name to Licorice since the Fennel makes in smell like Licorice. The smell to me is ok, but not overwhelming. I do not really like any of the smells on Maria Åkerberg’s products because they all have an herb like smell and to me it is just overwhelming.

It can also be used as a leave in treatment as well and during summer that is usually enough for my hair.