Botanical Effects Hydrate 1

Mary Kay

Botanical Effects Hydrate 1

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Botanical Effects Hydrate 1

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry BlackheadsPoresDehydrated+ 1
Well since the product works as hydrate, it is only hydrating and moisturizing your skin.

I have a very dry skin over my nose & forehead. Sometimes over my mouth too. My skin often breaks & peels. You know like the snake's skin? It is really bad. So after using this product 3 times a day for 4 consecutive days. My skin is back to normal.

****My experience using this product
1. I once have applied this product in quite a bit too much to my whole face and the result, my face looks very greasy.
2. It smells good.
3. I often applied this product in night before sleep. The next morning when I wake up, I can feel and see the product is still there on my face but yes it do moisturizing and hydrating my skin. The bad thing is it worsen those whiteheads on my nose