Natural Herb Essential Lip Balm

MCC Cosmetics

Natural Herb Essential Lip Balm

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Natural Herb Essential Lip Balm

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry Anti-AgingDehydratedUneven
waxy and not very good for my lips

My thoughts on MCC Natural Herb Essential Lip Balm
This is a regular lip balm with no added color, and it actually tend to be the type of lip products I use the most. I wish I was more of a color person, but I simply keep on forgetting to add the color to my lips.

This lip balm from MCC isn’t anything special and I usually buy my lip balms from Iherb for a very cheap price so the price tag on this one is way too high for my likings.

This lip balm is moisturizing but it isn’t anything out of the ordinary. It feels really nice on my lips and the version I have (floral herb) contains eucalyptus and it leaves a cooling effect on my lips.

I really like the packaging, it is fancy for a lip balm and makes the product look a little more luxury than it is. The color of the lip balm is white and leaves no stickiness on my lips.