Clarifying Cleanser


Clarifying Cleanser

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Clarifying Cleanser

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review
oily AcneRosaceaBlackheads+ 2
Gentle cleanser that make my skin break out.

I was very excited to try this product since I thought that this product would be amazing. The pricing of this product is very high and in many cases, products that are at a higher price is usually of a better quality (not always the case obviously!)

I tried the cleanser on and it has a very weird formula - it feels like a sort of cream that you put on. You need to apply a lot of product since the formula kinda sinks into your skin. I enjoy the effect afterwards since I'd feel fresh and there would be a minty feeling resting upon my face. This product makes me breakout regularly and we are not talking about small white pimples - we are talking about huge and painful ones! I'm disappointed about this product. I finished using the product and would constantly have breakouts now and then - especially on my chin. I switched and used another cleanser afterwards and my breakouts instantly stopped. However, I gotta say that my pore reduced significantly after using this cleanser!

combination BlackheadsWhiteheads

ironsister has left a 4 star rating.