Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Mask

My Beauty Diary

Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Mask

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Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Mask

from 3 Ratings

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Community: 2 Ratings • 1 Review
dry AcneAnti-AgingBlackheads+ 5
A nicely hydrating and affordable mask that works like a charm!

I absolutely adore these My Beauty Diary masks as I can usually find them on Amazon, or at Marshalls for $10 or less. They're nothing fancy, but I like the way my skin looks and feels after I use them. The claims that they are hydrating are true, IMO, and after fifteen minutes on my skin, the essence has absorbed into my skin completely, and barely any remains on the mask. Sometimes this is not the case, and the sheet mask is as soaked as it was upon placing it on my face and this always makes me wonder about their effectiveness. After use, my fine lines are smoothed out, due to the plumping nature of the masks ingredients. I very much like the way my skin looks after masking with these, and thanks to their cheap price tag, I'll continue to buy and use these. Next time, I'd like to pick up a different type from their line, as I've only ever used the hydrating ones, and they have much to offer!

combination AcneAnti-AgingSensitive+ 1

filiparteo has left a 5 star rating.
combination PIHAcneSensitive+ 2

zozoaltizer has left a 4 star rating.